Organizational Wellness

Boost Employee Productivity With Exercise in the Workplace

Last Updated Aug 21, 2024
Time to read: 11 minutes
Workplace exercise programs can increase productivity, reduce costs, and improve company culture — see what types are right for your company.

Need to find ways to boost employee productivity? A robust workplace exercise program could be the solution! 

As revealed in Wellhub's State of Work-Life Wellness 2024 report, over 90% of workers say their physical wellbeing impacts their productivity. That means that the overwhelming majority of employees know that working out regularly can have a massive impact on not just physical but also mental wellbeing, which translates into more productive days at work.

So, if you're looking to incentivize your team to exercise in the workplace, you may want to consider providing workplace workout benefits that are too good to pass up. Of course, the right options look different for everybody, especially in today's busy life. In fact, about half of all respondents cited lack of time as the main reason they don’t work out in a poll of 2,000 Americans. That's why it's valuable to offer a workout program that is so accessible and so easy to fit into anybody's schedule that your team will find it hard not to stay active.


The Science Behind Exercise and Productivity

Remember that exhilarating rush after finishing the mile run in high school? 

Well, get ready for some fantastic news: that same energy boost can supercharge your workday! It might seem counterintuitive, but spending energy on a good workout actually provides you with more mental and physical strength. This amazing relationship is very well documented, and we know quite a bit about how exercise impacts productivity.

So, the key to endless energy and razor-sharp focus? Regular exercise. Here’s how:

Cognitive Function

If your brain was a smartphone, then exercise is like doing a software update. It helps keep your brain sharp and ready to take on a busy workday. Exercise can boost your memory and help you think more clearly, according to a Harvard Medical School study. 

Energy Levels

You know that post-lunch energy crash that makes you want to curl up under your desk? Exercise is your secret weapon against the dreaded afternoon slump. Working out can both decrease fatigue and increase overall energy levels, according to a 2024 study published on Frontiers of Psychology. Physical activity increases blood flow, delivering more oxygen and nutrients to your cells. It’s like giving your body a shot of espresso, minus the jitters and coffee breath.

Stress Reduction

Deadlines looming? Inbox overflowing? Instead of stress-eating that stale donut from the break room, try a quick workout. Exercise releases endorphins, nature’s own stress-busters. Exercising even just once a week can reduce a worker’s stress levels substantially, according to a 2023 study.

Mental Wellness

Although most people would picture bubble baths and massage chairs when they think of giving a break to their mental health, a gym or a track field could be just as effective. Physical exercise improves emotional, psychological, and social well-being among workers, according to a 2024 study published in the Journal of Modern Medicine. 

Better Sleep

Ever notice how a good workout leads to a great night’s sleep? It’s not just a coincidence — it’s science! Physical exercise can help people sleep better, according to the Mayo Clinic. Regular exercise can help regulate your sleep patterns, making it easier to fall asleep and improving the quality of your shut-eye. All so you can wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day.

The Business Benefits of Exercise

Think implementing a workplace exercise program is just a nice perk? Think again! Implementing a workplace workout program is an investment in your team’s productivity and wellbeing. When it comes to business, here are a few reasons why exercise pumps up more than just biceps:

Reduced Healthcare Costs

Healthy employees are like money in the bank. Companies with robust wellness programs report significant savings in healthcare costs over time: As revealed in  Wellhub's State of Work-Life Wellness 2024 report, 91% of companies report healthcare costs decrease because of their wellbeing program.

Decreased Absenteeism

Exercise improves health, which in turn can reduce the number of sick days your employees need to take. Investing in company-wide workplace exercise programs will decrease missed days at work from illnesses, even during flu season.

Improved Team Building

Group exercise is like team building in disguise. It’s like trust falls, but with more sweat and less awkwardness. Companies that invest in these types of programs are fostering stronger team connections, which can improve communication and collaboration at work.

Enhanced Company Culture

Who wouldn’t love working at a place that values their wellbeing? Fewer than 10% of all workers, according to an American Psychological Association survey. Investing in programs like these will help you retain your employees and attract top talent.

Types of Workplace Exercise Programs

This is one of those situations where one size definitely doesn’t fit all. It’s like trying to find the perfect office chair for everyone, but what works for one person might give another a serious case of the fidgets. Here are some ideas that could turn your office into a calorie-burning, productivity-boosting wonderland:

  • Subsidized gym memberships: Consider partnering with local fitness centers to offer discounted or entirely subsidized memberships. This enticing benefit lets your employees break a great sweat on their own schedule.
  • Group fitness classes: Bring the energy of a fitness studio to your conference room, or replace happy hour with wellness hour. From yoga to high-intensity interval training (HIIT), group classes can cater to various fitness levels and interests!
  • Walking meetings: Who says meetings have to happen around a table? Walking meetings get the blood flowing and the ideas flowing even faster. It’s multitasking at its finest — you’re exercising your body and your problem-solving skills at the same time.
  • Standing desks: For those who can’t bear to tear themselves away from their screens even for one second, standing desks offer a way to stay active while staying productive. You could also throw in a light walking pad underneath to get those steps in while you crunch numbers.
  • Fitness challenges: Nothing motivates like a little friendly competition. Step challenges, fitness bingo, or interdepartmental sports tournaments can add a fun twist to getting fit.
  • Stretch breaks: Sometimes, the simplest solutions are the best. Regular stretch breaks can help fight the negative effects of sitting all day. Implementing a company policy of regular stretch breaks can help your employees give their bodies a much-needed reset.
  • Virtual fitness options: Virtual fitness classes or subscriptions to fitness apps can help keep everyone moving, no matter where they’re logging in from. This is almost a non-negotiable if your company offers remote work.

Key Characteristics of a Successful Corporate Fitness Initiative

If workplace fitness programs were a wardrobe, you’d want to offer a walk-in closet full of options, not a one-size-fits-all uniform. The goal is to make your fitness programs as accessible to as many employees as possible, which takes a multifaceted approach. Here are some of the ingredients that can make your fitness initiative the talk of the (corporate) town:

Wide Variety of Programming

Imagine walking into an ice cream shop that only serves vanilla. Boring! The same goes for fitness programs. A successful fitness initiative offers many options to cater to different tastes, fitness levels, and schedules. From yoga for the zen seekers to HIIT workouts for the adrenaline junkies, a varied program ensures that there's something for everyone. 


A top-notch fitness program bends and stretches to fit into busy schedules. On-demand classes, varied time slots, and options for both in-office and remote workers help make “I don’t have time” an excuse as outdated as “the dog ate my homework.” The point is to make fitness as easy to fit into the day as checking emails. 

Incorporates Fitness Challenges

Noting spices up a fitness routine like a dash of friendly competition. Challenges tap into our inner child who always wanted to win at recess. Whether it’s a steps competition or a department vs. department sports tournament, challenges add that extra zing that keeps people coming back for more.


A successful fitness program needs to speak the language of tech. This means integrating with popular fitness apps and leveraging wearable fitness trackers like the Apple Watch or Fitbit. These programs can easily turn your device into a cheerleader on your wrist, celebrating every step, tracking every heartbeat, and syncing it all with your company’s wellness platform. 

Single Platform for Easy Administration

If running your fitness program feels like herding cats, you’re doing it wrong. A successful initiative should have one comprehensive platform that brings all elements together under one digital roof and should be simple enough for one HR leader to handle. This platform should allow you to:

  • Track participation and engagement
  • Manage challenges and rewards
  • Access analytics and reports
  • Communicate with participants
  • Integrate with other HR systems

This platform should make the behind-the-scenes as smooth as a well-oiled treadmill. That way, HR staff can spend less time on administration and more time on what really matters — cheering on their team’s fitness victories.

How To Implement a Workplace Exercise Program (Step-by-Step)

Now that you’ve learned about the countless benefits of a workplace workout program, it’s time to lace up those sneakers to get through the implementation process. Here’s how it usually goes down:

Step 1: Get Leadership Buy-in

 First things first: You need the big bosses on board. Show them how a fitter workforce can lead to a fitter bottom line. If you can get the CEO to do a burpee in the boardroom, then you’re guaranteed to get the green light.

Step 2: Set Clear Goals

It’s important to be really clear about what you hope to achieve from the program. Is it reduced healthcare costs, improved productivity, happy employees, or D, all of the above? Whatever the case may be, set clear goals for your program.

Step 3: Allocate Budget and Resources

Time to put your money where your muscles are. Determine what you can invest in equipment, classes, incentives, or that fancy smoothie bar. Remember, you’re investing this money in your team’s health, not just spending it frivolously. As revealed in Wellhub's State of Work-Life Wellness 2024 report, more than half of companies see a return of over 100% from their investment in a wellbeing program — meaning they get more than $2 back for every $1 invested.

Step 4: Choose Your Program Components

Will you go for gym subscriptions, virtual classes, fitness challenges, or all of the above? Pick a mix that fits your company culture and budget

Step 5: Select a Program Platform

Choose a user-friendly platform to manage your program. Look for features like challenge management, progress tracking, and easy communication. It should be so simple that even the office technophobe can navigate it without breaking a sweat.

Step 6: Develop Policies and Guidelines 

Create clear rules for program participation. Address issues like liabilities and how to balance exercise with work responsibilities. 

Step 7: Plan a Kickoff Event 

Launch your program with more fanfare than the Olympics. Host a kickoff event with demonstrations, health screenings, and maybe a fun group workout. Get everyone so excited they’ll be counting down the seconds until they can hit that new treadmill desk.

Step 8: Monitor and Adjust 

Keep a close eye on participation rates and feedback. Be ready to tweak your program depending on what people are using and what they’re not. Be as flexible as a yoga instructor adjusting poses for their class.

Tips for Overcoming Common Challenges

Implementing a workplace exercise program isn’t always a walk in the park. Here are some tips to leap over those hurdles like a gazelle:

Issue 1: Lack of participation

Solution: Keep things fresh! Introduce new challenges, classes, or equipment regularly. 

Issue 2: Space constraints

Solution: No room for a full gym? No problem. You can find partners in local gyms and fitness studios that will offer discounted gym subscriptions.

Issue 3: Budget issues

Solution: Start small and grow. Begin with cost-effective options like lunchtime walking groups or partnering with local gyms for discounts. 

Issue 4: Not enough time

Solution: Emphasize short, effective workouts. Introduce 5-minute desk exercises or quick HIIT sessions. Show them that “no time” is no excuse.

Issue 5: Drops in motivation

Solution: Keep the energy high with regular challenges, rewards, and recognition. Celebrate progress, not just results.

Energize Your Workforce With the Right Workplace Exercise Program

Working out is no longer a vanity thing — it’s a critical part of anyone’s physical and mental wellbeing. That’s why having employees who work out are more productive, as exercise keeps them healthy and thinking sharp. 

But you don’t need track stars on your team to reap the benefits of regular exercise. The right employee wellness program will address everyone’s needs with a combination of light and intense exercise. 

So, are you ready to see how an active workforce is a productive workforce? Then speak to a Wellhub Wellbeing Specialist today! We’ll show you how proactively caring for your employees can help improve your bottom line. As revealed in the Wellhub State of Work-Life Wellness 2024 report, 93% of workers believe benefits are just as important as their salary. So, start your company’s workplace exercise program journey today and get ready to notice an impact!

Company healthcare costs drop by up to 35% with Wellhub! (* Based on proprietary research comparing healthcare costs of active Wellhub users to non-users.) Talk to a Wellbeing Specialist to see how we can help reduce your healthcare spending!

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