Organizational Wellness

Paternity Leave: Everything HR Needs to Know

Last Updated Jul 23, 2024
Time to read: 10 minutes
Paternity leave gives parents time to bond with their newborns and support their families. Get to know relevant labor laws, and how to create a paternity leave policy.

Picture this: one of your dedicated employees recently became a proud father. Now, under your company’s awesome paternity leave policy, he’s able to take time off to be with his newborn and support his partner. 

When the employee returns to work after his paternity leave, he’s not just another employee. He’s a proud and motivated dad who appreciates the support he received during this precious time. He’s more engaged, more committed, and more likely to go the extra mile for the company that recognized the importance of time away. 

Does this scenario seem a bit too rosy? It may be closer to the truth than it sounds. Employees who take advantage of parental leave are generally more satisfied with their jobs and exhibit increased loyalty towards their employers.

One employee’s positive experience with parental leave can also cause ripple effects spread throughout the office. Other employees witness your company’s support for family life, and it fosters a sense of inclusivity and support. It creates a workplace culture that values the wellbeing of both employees and their families, not to mention the impact on attracting and retaining talent. 

Paternity leave isn't just a nice perk to offer as part of your employee benefits package. It's an investment in your employees. By embracing parental leave policies, you create a happier, more engaged, and more loyal workforce. It's a win-win situation that sets your company apart as a forward-thinking, inclusive, and supportive employer. Learn more about paternity leave requirements and how you can make the most of this employee perk.


What Is Paternity Leave?

Paternity leave is a policy that allows fathers and adoptive parents to take time off from work to care for their newborns or newly adopted children. It allows for a better balance between work and family life, promoting bonding between fathers and children and fostering a more inclusive and supportive workplace environment. The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) ensures that eligible employees have up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave per year which can be used by new parents to care for their child. Companies can offer paid paternity leave as part of their benefits package to sharpen their talent acquisition and retention efforts.

In recent years, there has been a shift from gendered maternity and paternity leave policies towards more inclusive parental leave policies. Most of these updated policies refer to primary and secondary caregivers, or birthing and non-birthing parents, to differentiate and determine how much time off employees can take. This change in language recognizes that both parents can play a vital role in caregiving and allows for a more equitable distribution of responsibilities. For this reason, parental leave eligibility should acknowledge that families come in various forms. 

It is also important to note that employees who have physically carried a child, including those who may have experienced a miscarriage, are often allotted additional time off for recovery. 

Duration and Compensation of Paternity Leave

The ins and outs of paternity leave, and parental leave in general, shifts quite a bit depending on where you are. Many employees have questions about paternity leave meaning, such as “how long is paternity leave” and “is paternity leave paid?” The duration and compensation can vary, and it all depends on factors like state laws, company policies, and legal regulations. 

As mentioned before, FMLA paternity leave gives eligible employees up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave each year. However, not every employer or employee qualifies for FMLA — it’s got some specific criteria. Even though there is no federal paternity leave mandate, there are paid family leave (PFL) laws in 13 states and the District of Columbia. These regulations provide a portion of wage replacement during the designated leave period, which means dads and other caregivers can take time off work and still get some compensation while bonding with their new family members. 

Like compensation, the duration of paternity leave can vary quite a bit depending on company policies and legal requirements. Some companies offer a fixed number of days or weeks of paid parental leave, while others give dads more flexibility to decide when and how to take their leave. It’s all about finding what works best for your company and each family. 

Now, we still have some work to do when it comes to making sure everyone has access to paid and sufficient parental leave, but the good news is that more and more organizations are recognizing how vital it is. Both the duration and compensation play a pivotal role in ensuring that dads can be there for their little ones during those early stages of life. The goal of parental leave is to promote healthier family relationships and build a more balanced and supportive society. 

The Impact of Paternity Leave

One of the most notable benefits of paternity leave is the positive impact it has on parent-child bonding and emotional wellbeing. When fathers are given the opportunity to take time off work to care for their newest family members, it allows for the establishment of strong emotional connections and nurturing relationships. This early bonding not only benefits the child’s development but also contributes to the overall wellbeing of both father and child. 

Paternity leave also plays a crucial role in promoting gender equality and shared responsibilities within families. Around 90% of fathers noticed improvements in their relationships with their partners when they took paternity leave, according to a survey from McKinsey. By providing fathers with the opportunity to take an active role in caregiving, paternity leave challenges traditional gender roles and stereotypes. It fosters a more equal division of household and parenting duties, allowing mothers to return to work or pursue their own professional aspirations. This empowers women and encourages a more balanced supportive family dynamic where both parents share the joys and challenges of raising children. 

Offering varied employee perks has a positive impact on workplace productivity and retention. When companies offer quality benefits such as parental leave, it demonstrates their commitment to supporting their employees’ work-life wellness and overall wellbeing. This, in turn, leads to higher employee satisfaction, as well as increased morale and loyalty. Employees who feel valued and supported by their employers are more likely to be motivated, engaged, and productive in their roles. Companies that prioritize family-friendly practices — including paternity leave — tend to attract and retain top talent, contributing to a positive company culture and a competitive advantage in the job market. 

To sum it all up: the impact of paternity leave extends beyond the individual and family level. It promotes parent-child bonding, emotional wellbeing, gender equality, and shared responsibilities within families. Moreover, as an employee perk, paternity leave enhances workplace productivity and employee retention. By recognizing the importance of supporting fathers in their caregiving roles, companies foster a more inclusive and supportive work environment that supports holistic wellbeing of their employees.

Creating Your Company’s Parental Leave Policy

Creating a comprehensive and effective parental leave policy is essential for HR managers to foster wellness and support their employees during the important life transition of becoming parents. Here are key steps to consider when developing a company parental leave policy.

  1. Assess needs and goals. Start by understanding the needs and goals of your employees and the company. Consider factors such as legal requirements, industry standards, and the organization's culture and values. Determine the desired outcomes of the policy, such as supporting employee well-being and attracting and retaining top talent.
  2. Establish duration and benefits. Set the duration of parental leave and the benefits provided to employees during this time. Consider offering both paid and unpaid leave options, allowing for flexibility based on employee needs. Explore possibilities for wage replacement, as well as continued benefits such as healthcare coverage, retirement contributions, and accrual of vacation time.
  3. Provide manager and employee training. Educate managers and employees on the parental leave policy. Offer training sessions to managers to ensure they understand their role in supporting employees during the transition and are aware of their legal responsibilities. Additionally, provide instruction for employees to help them navigate the policy, understand their rights, and access available resources.
  4. Create employee guides. Develop comprehensive guides that outline the parental leave policy in a clear and accessible manner. Include information on eligibility criteria, the application process, documentation requirements, benefits provided, and expectations during and after leave. Make these guides readily available to employees through online portals or printed copies.
  5. Continuously evaluate and improve. Regularly review the parental leave policy to ensure it remains relevant and effective. Seek feedback from employees who have utilized the policy and gather insights from HR analytics to measure the impact. Stay updated on legal developments and industry trends to adapt and enhance the policy as needed.

By following these steps, you can create a well-designed parental leave policy that positions your company as an employer of choice. A thoughtful and inclusive policy, backed by training and employee guides, demonstrates the organization's commitment to its employees and helps foster a positive and supportive workplace culture.

Tips for Making the Most of Paternity Leave for Employees

Although the need for a clear and inclusive parental leave policy is clear, it can be difficult for employees to make the most of it. Consider the following tips to ensure that your employees get to reap the benefits when they take advantage of paternity leave. 

  1. Prepare for leave and manage expectations. Encourage employees to plan ahead for their paternity leave by discussing workload distribution and deadlines with colleagues and supervisors. Clear communication about the duration of leave and expectations upon return can help manage workflow and reduce stress. Encourage open dialogue to address any concerns and ensure a smooth transition during the absence.
  2. Support a nurturing environment at home. Encourage fathers to actively engage in caregiving responsibilities during their paternity leave. You can promote bonding with the child by gifting expectant fathers with toys, bottles, or diaper subscriptions. This demonstrates your organization’s commitment to family while giving fathers the tools they need to build strong relationships with their children.
  3. Help fathers reintegrate into the workplace. Smooth reintegration into the workplace is crucial for employees returning from paternity leave. Consider a mini-onboarding process to help returning fathers get back into the swing of things with support. Companies can also let fathers work part-time for a week or two when they first time back to ease the transition back to the office. 
  4. Help the company support this employee benefit. Train managers on how to adapt to changes on their team when an employee takes paternity leave. Employee benefits management can help you keep track of which employees are using this benefit and what kind of additional support they may need. Regularly communicate the company's commitment to supporting paternity leave and emphasize its benefits for employees and the organization.

HR managers can implement these tips to help employees make the most of their parental leave. This proactive approach supports a smooth transition, encourages personal growth, and facilitates a successful reintegration into the workplace. By fostering a nurturing environment both at home and in the workplace, companies can create a culture that values work-life wellness and celebrates fathers’ involvement in caregiving. 

Supporting Employees As People 

Like many aspects of company policy, paternity leave is about more than just time off — it is an investment in people and their families. By providing new parents the opportunity to take time to focus on their partners and little ones, companies show empathy for their people, creating a happier, more engaged, and more loyal workforce. 

A comprehensive parental leave policy can help companies be inclusive and supportive employers. It’s this sort of human element that can make a major difference for current and prospective employees, even in areas beyond parental leave. Supporting the wellbeing of employees in all aspects of their lives can create an important bond between organization and employee. 

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  1. Bipartisan Policy Center. (2023, January 20). State Paid Family Leave Laws Across the U.S. Retrieved June 6, 2023 from
  2. Colantuoni, Francesca and Shaibyaa Rajbhandari, Gila Tolub, Wahi Diome-Deer, and Karl Moore. (2021, March 5). McKinsey & Company. Retrieved June 6, 2023 from
  3. U.S. Department of Labor. Family and Medical Leave (FMLA). Retrieved June 6, 2023 from


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