Organizational Wellness

16 Organizational Values Examples From Top Brands That Will Inspire Your Own

Last Updated Oct 16, 2024
Time to read: 10 minutes
Organizational values are powerful catalysts. Here's how to find yours, and real-world examples sure to inspire.

Organizational values — and their power to shape company culture — so pervasive that even fictional companies have them these days. 

Take Lumon Industries, the formidable company at the center of the dystopian show Severance. Their ominous-sounding nine Core Principles, which included “verve,” “probity,” and “wiles,” perfectly encapsulate its suffocating company culture. 

On the other hand, there’s AFC Richmond, the perennial underdog Premier League club at the heart of Ted Lasso, with just one core value scrawled across an off-center sign: Believe.

Ultimately, it’s important to choose a set of values that match your organization’s unique guiding principles, but drawing inspiration from real-world examples is a great place to start. These real-world company core values examples can help get the ball rolling!

What are Organizational Values?

Organizational values are the core principles that define the identity of an organization. They serve as a compass for behavior, guiding how a company and its employees should act both internally and externally. These values are essential in shaping the culture of the organization, influencing decision-making, and driving the overall direction of the company.

Examples of organizational values can include integrity, innovation, respect, teamwork, and accountability.

Real-World Examples of Organizational Values

  1. Starbucks

At the coffee giant, everyone from baristas to execs are held to these values:

  • Creating a culture of warmth and belonging, where everyone is welcome.
  • Delivering our very best in all we do, holding ourselves accountable for results.
  • Acting with courage, challenging the status quo, and finding new ways to grow our company and each other.
  • Being present, connecting with transparency, dignity and respect.

  1. Equinox

The luxury fitness brand prides their community on being a welcoming space for everyone, and they’re guided by these values:

  • Inclusivity
  • Mutual respect
  • Equality
  • Diversity
  • Integrity
  • Empathy

  1. Lululemon

This athleisure brand wants its customers to live their best lives, which they guide through these organizational values:

  • Personal responsibility
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Honesty
  • Courage
  • Connection
  • Fun
  • Inclusion

  1. Zappos

The online shoe store and customer service powerhouse has 10 core values that keep their team aligned:

  • Deliver WOW through service
  • Embrace and drive change
  • Create fun and a little weirdness
  • Be adventurous, creative, and open-minded
  • Pursue growth and learning
  • Build open and honest relationships with communication
  • Build a positive team and family spirit
  • Do more with less
  • Be passionate and determined
  • Be humble

Zappos’s values help them show how important customer service is to their company. They want people to be welcoming and respectful, think of new ideas, grow and learn, build relationships with honest communication, and work hard.

  1. Wellhub

Wellhub is turning every company into a wellness company. Organizations can provide their employees with access to thousands of fitness facilities and dozens of wellness apps through our all-in-one subscription. Our work is guided by the following values:

  • A-players
  • Constructive collaboration
  • Integrity above all
  • Diversity
  • Focus on results
  • Ecosystem mindset
  • Lead by example
  • Ownership mentality
  • Live the mission
  • Objective recognition
  • Proud and humble

  1. Airbnb

The hospitality giant has four values that make sure their team stays on mission:

  • Champion the mission
  • Be a host
  • Embrace the adventure
  • Be a cereal entrepreneur

These core beliefs emphasize the importance of providing an easy way for people to find a great place to stay and creating an inviting atmosphere to help people feel welcome.

  1. Microsoft

The tech behemoth’s values provide an open and fair work environment:

  • Respect: We recognize that the thoughts, feelings, and backgrounds of others are as important as our own.
  • Integrity: We are honest, ethical, and trustworthy.
  • Accountability: We accept full responsibility for our decisions, actions, and results.

  1. Goldman Sachs

The banking giant’s values are rooted in their commitment to trust, reliability, and top service for their customers and partners:

  • Client service
  • Excellence
  • Partnership
  • Integrity

  1. Peloton

Peloton is on a mission to use “technology and design to connect the world through fitness,” and they’re supported by these organizational values:

  • Put members first
  • Operate with a bias for action
  • Empower teams of smart creatives
  • Be the best place to work
  • Together we go far

Peloton’s values show how much they care about their customers and employees, and how dedicated they are to working quickly and creatively.

  1. KPMG

The consulting firm’s values are focused on providing quality service and a solid foundation for their client relationships:

  • Integrity: We do what is right.
  • Excellence: We never stop learning and improving.
  • Courage: We think and act boldly.
  • Together: We respect each other and draw strength from our differences.
  • For Better: We do what matters.

  1. LinkedIn

At the professional networking site, their values are all about connecting people:

  • We put members first
  • We trust and care about each other
  • We are open, honest and constructive
  • We act as One LinkedIn
  • We embody diversity, inclusion and belonging
  • We dream big, get things done and know how to have fun

  1. Salesforce

The cloud-computing giant has five distinct values that set the tone for their company:

  • Trust: We act as trusted advisors.
  • Customer success: When our customers succeed, we succeed.
  • Innovation: We innovate together.
  • Equality: Everyone deserves equal opportunities.
  • Sustainability: We lead boldly to address the climate emergency.

  1. Calm

The meditation and mindfulness company is passionate about helping their customers be more present, and their values reflect that:

  • Growth mindset
  • Humble & hungry
  • High EQ
  • Results focused
  • Resourceful
  • Relentless
  • Teamwork
  • Magic

  1. Slack

The workplace communication tool stands behind these values:

  • Empathy
  • Courtesy
  • Thriving
  • Craftsmanship
  • Playfulness
  • Solidarity

While many of Slack’s users see it as a collaborative communication tool, these values show that it is actually built around a culture of courtesy, team spirit, and fun.

  1. Uber

The ride-sharing giant is driven by these shared beliefs:

  • Go get it: Bring the mindset of a champion
  • Trip obsessed: Make magic in the marketplace
  • Build with heart: We care
  • Stand for safety: Safety never stops
  • See the forest and the trees: Know the details that matter
  • One Uber: Bet on something bigger
  • Great minds don’t think alike: Diversity makes us stronger
  • Do the right thing: Period

Uber’s values reflect a focus on championing the customer experience and safety, and providing customers with reliable transportation at their fingertips.

  1. Spotify

The music streaming service uses these core values to guide their company’s mission. They see themselves as:

  • Innovative: We move fast and take big risks
  • Sincere: We have no time for internal politics
  • Passionate: We revel in what we do
  • Collaborative: We recognize that we’re all in this together
  • Playful: We don’t take ourselves too seriously

Spotify’s core values underscore the company’s mission to empower music lovers around the world with a streaming service that is convenient, accessible, and engaging. They’re constantly pushing boundaries to stay ahead of the competition while delivering an exciting, engaging experience their customers love.

How to Develop Your Organizational Values

The above businesses have successfully created core values that add to a positive brand ethos. So, how can you develop your own core values for your business? Here are seven steps to help you craft organizational values that resonate:

Step 1. Pinpoint Your Brand Identity

What is your organization all about? Consider its mission, vision, and unique qualities. Understand not just what you do but why you do it. What are the fundamental beliefs and principles that drive your company's existence? What sets your business apart from others? Answering these questions reveals the core identity of your brand.

Step 2. Talk to Your Workforce 

Values shouldn't just come from the top. They should also reflect the beliefs and aspirations of your employees. You can get your team involved in discussions and workshops to gather diverse perspectives and insights. This collaborative approach makes employees feel respected and more invested in your organizational values.

Step 3. Search for Core Themes 

What common themes or principles tend to emerge from your reflections and team discussions? These could be concepts like integrity, innovation, collaboration, or customer focus. Identify the repeated ideas that tend to lead your organization's actions and decisions.

Step 4. Refine Your Ideas 

Once you identify some common values in your workplace, you can narrow down this list to the few biggest ones. Which values truly capture what your organization stands for? Which are most crucial to your company's success? Which ones resonate the most with your team? By clarifying your ideas and making sure everyone’s on board, you can create strong core values you truly believe in.

Step 5. Clearly Define Values 

You should explain each value in practical terms so there's no confusion about what it means in practice. You can also provide examples of behaviors or actions that align with each value to guide your team's understanding. Plus, consider what each value means when applied to work, and make sure to include this in your definition. 

Step 6. Test and Re-Define 

Next, you can share your draft values with your team and gather constructive feedback. Use their input to fine-tune your values and make sure they accurately reflect your organization's ethos and goals. This way, your final values will truly represent your organization.

Step 7. Finalize and Formalize 

Once you've finalized your values, it's time to integrate them into your company's culture, policies, and processes. Communicate them widely so everyone understands their importance and how they influence decision-making and behavior. Incorporating values into formal documents and communication channels makes them part of your organization's DNA.

Ways to Promote Your Organizational Values

Creating your organizational values is only half of the equation — it's also important to promote them so they permeate every aspect of your business. 

Here are some effective strategies that will help make your values a key part of your company culture.

Set the Standard Through Your Actions

Great business leaders lead by example, so it's worth exploring how you can embody these company values through your actions, decisions, and interactions. When leaders walk the talk, it sets the tone for the entire organization.

Incorporate Values Into Procedures

Try to integrate your values into every stage of the employee lifecycle. You can infuse your values into all HR processes, such as recruitment, onboarding, performance evaluations, and recognition programs. You want your values to show up everywhere!

Provide Training and Development 

Offering training programs and workshops about company values can help make them more concrete. Workshops can teach employees the importance of organizational values and how to embody them in their daily work. You can also provide more opportunities for skill-building and personal development that align with your values. 

Reward Successes

Don’t forget to recognize and celebrate individuals and teams who exemplify your organizational values in their work. Positive reinforcement fosters these desired behaviors. 

Foster Open Communication

Consider creating channels for transparent communication where employees feel comfortable discussing how values manifest in their work and raising any concerns or suggestions for improvement. Encourage feedback and dialogue around values alignment. Open communication builds trust and helps keep everyone on the same page.

Start Workplace Traditions

Rituals and traditions can help reinforce your values and create a sense of belonging among employees. These activities help embed values into the fabric of the organization and create shared experiences that strengthen the company culture. You may wish to implement regular team meetings, engage in volunteer initiatives, or organize company-wide events that revolve around these shared values.

Integrate Values With Performance Metrics

Performance metrics and incentives can be aligned with your organizational values to reinforce their importance and motivate employees to embody them. For example, you can recognize and reward behaviors that demonstrate commitment to the values. By tying performance metrics to values, employees understand that living the values is not just a cultural expectation but also a key component of success within the organization.

Through ongoing support and advocacy for your organizational values, you can cultivate a healthy company culture where each team member feels motivated and empowered to practice them.

Your Values Are More Than Just Words

At the end of the day, your organizational values are more than just words on a piece of paper — they define who you are and how you operate, which is the sum of your company culture. Consider what’s important to your organization, and then stay true to those beliefs in everything that you do.

If transparency is a core value, for example, it will likely influence the way the team interacts and the working environment HR leaders help to create. You could implement collaboration-focused initiatives such as team-building activities, brainstorming sessions, and cross-departmental projects to promote deeper working relationships and solve problems together. To emphasize transparency, you could try out an employee suggestion box, where employees can submit their ideas and questions anonymously or directly to management. 

Or, if you want to embody the spirit of fun or playfulness, try helping your team members get out of their comfort zones and start enjoying themselves. An employee fitness challenge, for instance, is a great way to create some excitement and build strong bonds!

There are all kinds of ways to embody your core beliefs while helping your employees thrive. Speak to one of a Wellbeing Specialist today to learn how we can help you support each team member and stay true to your values!

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