Personal Wellness

Commit to Quit With Kwit and MindCotine This World No Tobacco Day

Last Updated May 21, 2024
Time to read: 4 minutes
This World No Tobacco Day and beyond, Wellhub partner apps Kwit and MindCotine are here for you every step of your smoking cessation journey.

This year’s theme for World No Tobacco Day is “commit to quit,” encouraging smokers to take action against this global health crisis. More than a year after the appearance of COVID-19, studies prove that smokers are more exposed to serious forms of this disease, in addition to other health conditions. By quitting, you’re protecting your health, your loved ones, and taking preventative action towards a healthier future. 

If you’re ready to start your smoking cessation journey, our partner apps Kwit and MindCotine are here for you every step of the way. 

Register for a free Wellhub account todayand discover our selection of smoking cessation apps, mental health resources, and network of fitness partners. One membership, unlimited ways to feel good. 

Find your method to Kwit 

Kwit, a smoking cessation app, is here to keep you on track during your path to a smoke-free life. 

The premium version of Kwit, available to download through a Wellhub membership, helps you monitor your nicotine consumption to decrease it little by little. Using cognitive and behavioral therapy, Kwit’s scientifically validated approach assumes that if you’ve learned to smoke, you can also learn to stopsmoking. Each day, you can unlock a goal and continue learning about the benefits of quitting smoking.

During the more difficult moments of the smoking cessation process, you can shake your phone to receive a motivational card from Kwit, or use their breathing exercises to stay on track. 

Kwit makes the quitting process encouraging and inspiring to put all the odds on your side for quitting smoking for good. 

MindCotine’s tips for living nicotine-free 

Using evidence-based programs, MindCotine trains your brain to quit smoking for good. Their 21-day program includes virtual reality experiences, meditation sessions, and other psychological tools to permanently beat the habit. Other notable features include financial statistics around your nicotine consumption, a chat room for community support, and 200+ minutes of guided meditations for mindfulness. 

  1. Check in with your finances  

You may not realize how much you spend on cigarettes throughout the year, or how much you will invest long-term in this practice. On average, a smoker spends $3,000 per year  — what can you use that money for instead?

💡 Tip: Log the number of cigarettes you smoke per day. You’ll realize just how much money you’re spending (and not saving!) 

  1. Let staying healthy be your motivation

Typically when you get sick, you don’t smoke. During those days, you may think “I didn’t smoke for the past few days, I control this!” This kind of self-talk has two different meanings. One: you can quit smoking if the drive is to prevent sickness. Two: nicotine and addiction are trying to take control.

💡 Tip: Listen carefully to your self-talk, and learn how to identify the helpful voice from the harmful one. You can do this by practicing mindfulness and being in tune with your inner thoughts. 

  1. Mindfully manage your cravings 

Often when you smoke, you’re in pilot mode. You can smoke one or more cigarettes in a row without even realizing it because you’re fulfilling a craving. What if instead, every time you have a longing, you bring attention to this feeling? Would you still choose to smoke? 

💡 Tip: Learn how to identify your triggers. If you can predict how you’ll feel and bring awareness to your thoughts in this tempting situation, you’ll be ready to feel the craving and be better prepared to make a different decision. 

  1. Talk to friends who quit smoking  

To succeed on your quitting expedition, you’ll need a strong support system to uplift you and be your safety net. Practice open communication with loved ones and you’ll receive their support with the same kind of vulnerability. 

💡 Tip: Connect with the people around you that share a similar experience of quitting a bad habit, and ask them how they did it. 

  1. Discipline, persistence, motivation, and willpower 

People who quit cold turkey have a 6% chance of staying nicotine-free. No matter how strong your willpower is, if you want to quit for the long haul, you need to train yourself to be resilient. The hard moments start once you quit and withdrawal symptoms flow through you. If you have different strategies to cope, you’ll thank yourself every time you decide not to take the vice again.

💡 Tip: Get ready to quit, set objectives, and practice the methods that work for your unique journey. Once you quit, keep your focus going for a couple of months at a time, and feel the joys of a tobacco-free life.



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