Organizational Wellness

16 Work from Home Tools to Empower Your Team

Nov 27, 2023
Last Updated May 22, 2024

The traditional work landscape has transformed remarkably due to the rise of remote work, accelerated by technological advancements and the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. This shift has redefined collaboration in the workplace, with work-from-home tools emerging as crucial facilitators. Beyond logistical impacts, remote work has reshaped employee engagement by transitioning from office camaraderie to digital connectivity. 

As leaders recognize that the employee experience extends beyond physical spaces, they now rely on technology to enhance engagement. Effective work-from-home tools can foster innovation and improve project execution. They elevate remote workstations into hubs of collaboration. From virtual meetings mimicking face-to-face interactions to boundary-defying collaborative platforms, these tools break down distance barriers, cultivating a new era of interconnectedness. 

If you are looking for some of the best work from home productivity tools, look no further. Here is an overview of tools for various needs, all designed to make working from home a breeze.


Essential Communication and Collaboration Tools

Remote work relies on tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom to foster connection and teamwork among dispersed teams. These platforms enable real-time interaction through messaging and virtual meetings to emulate in-person efficiency. The various functions of these communication tools converge to recreate the camaraderie and efficiency of in-person interactions.

  1. Slack

Slack is a messaging and collaboration platform built to streamline communication. It provides channels for instant messages and file sharing. Slack serves as a central hub for discussions and updates, and it even has the ability to integrate third-party apps.. Threaded conversations and searchable history make it easy to organize information and find past discussions. With a user-friendly interface, Slack enables quick and efficient communication so that remote teams can share ideas and provide prompt updates.

  1. Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a collaboration tool in Microsoft 365 that ensures smooth communication and teamwork. It also provides threaded chat conversations organized into channels. Teams enables file sharing and real-time document collaboration. One of the biggest advantages of Teams is its integration with Microsoft 365 apps like Word and Excel. It also offers video conferencing features that make virtual meetings and webinars simple and effective. This particular work from home tool serves as a comprehensive platform for communication and project management. 

  1. Zoom

Zoom is a robust video conferencing and communication platform that enables remote teams to connect face-to-face from various locations. It offers high-quality video and audio for virtual meetings that makes it feel like participants are in the same room. Zoom's features include screen sharing, virtual backgrounds, breakout rooms for smaller discussions, and recording options for future reference. It supports both scheduled and impromptu meetings. Whether you need to enable real-time interaction among team members or with your clients, Zoom offers a reliable solution that goes beyond geographical constraints. 

Optimizing Productivity with Task Management Tools

Remote project management requires going beyond physical barriers, and work from home tools like Trello and Asana empower teams to do so. These platforms offer virtual workspaces to easily assign responsibilities and track progress as teams work towards their goals. They foster a culture of coordination and accomplishment for enhanced accountability among your teams. 

  1. Trello

Trello is a visual project management tool that employs boards to help teams organize tasks in a highly visual and intuitive manner. Each task is represented as a card, which can be moved across different lists to indicate progress stages. Trello's simplicity and flexibility make it ideal for remote teams seeking to manage tasks collaboratively. It offers a clear overview of project status and due dates, which promotes transparency within teams by facilitating real-time updates. The visual nature of Trello aids in maintaining a shared understanding of project timelines.

  1. Asana

Asana is another task and project management platform that enables teams to plan and track work seamlessly. It offers a hierarchy of tasks and subtasks, allowing teams to break down complex projects into manageable components. Asana's features include timeline views and Gantt charts that facilitate resource allocation and project sequencing. It empowers remote teams to assign tasks and set deadlines. Users can even collaborate on documents directly within the platform. Asana's integrations with other tools can streamline workflows and help teams remain focused on their goals.

  1. is a visual work operating system that transforms complex workflows into customizable boards. These boards use columns to represent different stages or components of a project, while items within each column represent specific tasks.'s strength lies in its adaptability as teams are able to tailor their workflows to match their unique processes. It facilitates collaboration by enabling teams to share information and monitor progress, all while maintaining a real-time overview of project health. Its automations simplify routine tasks to reduce manual effort and free up time for more important activities, which is particularly valuable for remote teams striving for enhanced productivity and efficiency.

Balancing Work and Wellbeing with Time Management Tools

Preserving work-life wellness is a challenge during the transition to remote work. Effective time management and self-care are crucial as the boundaries blur. Tools like Clockify and Toggl combat continuous connectivity and burnout by offering time-tracking and productivity monitoring. They enhance accountability and personal wellbeing by preventing excessive work hours and stress.

  1. Clockify

Clockify is a time-tracking tool designed to help individuals and teams monitor their work hours and allocate time efficiently. It allows users to track tasks and projects in real-time, providing insights into how time is spent throughout the workday. Clockify's user-friendly interface enables users to start and stop timers and generate reports that showcase time allocation. This tool is particularly valuable for remote employees as it aids in maintaining a clear record of work hours and supports the establishment of healthy work-life boundaries. 

  1. Toggl

Toggl is another productivity tool for tracking time. Users can track time based on specific projects or clients, categorizing them for analysis. This tool reveals work patterns that can help remote workers spot time-consuming tasks and inefficiencies for improvement. Its reporting features provide a comprehensive overview of work hours, aiding informed decisions on task prioritization. Toggl fosters efficiency and balanced routines in remote work, helping optimize wellbeing.

Boosting Creativity and Innovation with Idea Management Tools

Remote work's flexibility can hinder the creative collaboration found in face-to-face settings. Fortunately, tools like Miro and Stormboard overcome this by offering virtual canvases for real-time idea visualization. These platforms simulate in-person collaboration to encourage a dynamic atmosphere that drives remote teams to explore and turn abstract ideas into tangible strategies.

  1. Miro

Miro is an online whiteboard for remote teams that enhances visual thinking and creative collaboration. It provides a digital canvas for creating diagrams or other visual aids. Interactive features like sticky notes and media support innovative thinking. Miro lets remote teams collaborate visually in real-time, which allows teams to co-create and refine ideas. This helps foster innovation and problem-solving, even on the most complex projects.

  1. Stormboard

Stormboard is a virtual brainstorming and collaboration tool designed to help remote teams generate and prioritize ideas. It provides a digital workspace where participants can contribute virtual images and documents in a structured manner. Stormboard's unique features include voting and grouping, as well as categorization. These tools allow teams to distill a large volume of ideas into actionable insights. By creating a collective and structured approach to brainstorming, Stormboard promotes efficient collaboration, ensuring that remote teams can harness the collective intelligence of their members no matter where they are. 

Nurturing Professional Growth with Learning and Development Tools

Continuous learning and skill development are essential in the workplace, and that is no less true for remote work. As technology and industry demands shift rapidly, adapting and upskilling are vital for remote teams. Proactive professional growth is crucial in this flexible environment. Ongoing learning keeps remote workers competitive and adaptable.

  1. LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning offers employees a versatile platform to expand their knowledge and skill sets, ultimately enhancing their career prospects. Through a vast library of courses spanning diverse topics, from technical skills to soft skills and leadership, employees can engage in continuous learning tailored to their professional goals. The platform's accessibility enables remote workers to learn at their own pace, fitting seamlessly into their routines. As employees complete courses and earn certifications, they can showcase their new skills on their LinkedIn profiles, signaling to potential employers their commitment to growth and adaptability. By aligning their learning journey with industry trends and job market demands, LinkedIn Learning empowers remote employees to position themselves for career advancement.

  1. Coursera

Coursera provides remote employees with a gateway to prestigious courses and degrees from top universities and institutions globally. The platform's extensive range of offerings covers various disciplines, allowing individuals to acquire specialized knowledge and critical skills. Coursera's flexible learning options, including self-paced courses and guided projects, cater to the needs of remote workers. It is especially beneficial for employees seeking to enrich their professional capabilities while managing their remote work commitments. The certifications and degrees earned on Coursera carry weight in the job market, which can elevate the career prospects of remote employees by validating their expertise and commitment to ongoing learning. 

Enhancing Mental Wellness with Mindfulness Apps

Employee mental wellbeing is essential for a resilient workforce, both in the office and working from home. Organizations can cultivate an environment of open communication with clear resources for stress management Promoting emotional wellbeing empowers employees to maintain mental wellness, ensuring productivity and long-term satisfaction.

  1. Headspace

Headspace is an app that promotes relaxation and enhances focus through guided meditation and mindfulness exercises. With its diverse range of meditation sessions, users can find practices tailored to their needs, whether it's improving sleep or enhancing concentration. By integrating meditation into their daily routines, remote workers can experience reduced anxiety and improved emotional resilience. The app's calming exercises offer moments of stillness in the midst of remote work's demands so that individuals can recharge and regain clarity.

  1. Calm

Calm is an app designed to provide stress reduction and improved focus through a combination of meditation and soothing sounds. The app offers guided meditation sessions that help users cultivate mindfulness and promote a sense of tranquility. Sleep stories are designed to aid relaxation and support better sleep, ensuring that remote workers can rejuvenate their minds and bodies for the challenges ahead. Calm's ambient sounds and nature scenes provide a serene backdrop for work breaks, offering a respite from the pressures of remote work. By incorporating these practices into their daily routines, remote workers can create moments of calm amidst their busy schedules for improved mental wellbeing and heightened productivity.

Incorporating Physical Wellbeing with Wellness Apps

Remote work introduces physical wellbeing challenges that can impact health and productivity. Home shifts lead to prolonged sitting, often with poor ergonomics, causing back pain and mobility issues. Additionally, blurred work-life boundaries often trigger irregular eating and a lack of exercise. Recognizing these concerns is vital for individuals and organizations. 

  1. My FitnessPal

MyFitnessPal is an app that promotes physical wellbeing and improves health for remote workers by providing comprehensive tools for tracking nutrition and exercise. The app allows users to log their meals and monitor nutrient intake, which facilitates informed dietary choices even in a remote work setting. By offering insights into eating habits and nutritional balance, MyFitnessPal empowers remote workers to maintain healthier diets, which can positively impact energy levels. 

The app's integration with fitness trackers further encourages users to set and achieve activity goals, promoting physical activity throughout the day. By combining nutrition and exercise tracking, MyFitnessPal supports remote workers in their journey towards improved health and a more active lifestyle.

  1. Freeletics

Freeletics is a fitness app designed for personalized workouts and motivation. It tailors high-intensity training to individual fitness levels, ensuring accessibility for all users. With expert-guided sessions, it promotes holistic well-being, targeting strength, endurance, and mental resilience. Whether it's bodyweight workouts, cardio sessions, or targeted strength training, Freeletics offers a diverse range of exercises to accommodate various preferences and fitness aspirations.  Its user-friendly design integrates seamlessly into daily routines, making it a convenient tool for prioritizing health. By incorporating Freeletics, users can easily integrate physical activity into their lives, fostering a healthier and more energized approach to work and daily activities.

Tools to Empower Employees from Wellhub

As remote work becomes more common, the arsenal of work from home tools at our disposal has become indispensable. They are crucial for maintaining productivity and wellbeing. In the age of remote work, it becomes increasingly evident that the approach must encompass not only communication and collaboration but also the physical and mental wellbeing of remote workers.

This is where Wellhub can help. Our platform gives employees access to a diverse array of gyms, studios, and wellbeing apps. By partnering with Wellhub, organizations empower their workforce to prioritize their wellbeing, nurturing a culture that helps everyone thrive.

Speak with a Wellbeing Specialist today about how Wellhub can help support your workforce — from home or at the office!

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