10.08.24Episode 2: Dead Ends and Dance MovesAn unexpected death leaves Jemma questioning everyone’s motives…and dance moves?

10.15.24Episode 3: The Cornfed ConnectionA hidden connection between two CTO candidates ups the ante.

10.22.24Episode 4: Cracking the Stone Cold CodeJemma dives into Dr. Stone's past but cracking the candidate's cold exterior may be tougher than solving the murder. 

10.29.24Episode 5: Hide and SneakJemma finds herself in a tense game of hide and seek where being found might mean being the next one to die. 

11.05.24Episode 6: Mole-icious IntentionsJemma and Shane dig deep to unearth some seriously shady mole business.

11.12.24Episode 7: Seafood and SabotageNot all seafood is safe - especially when it's served with a side of betrayal.

11.19.24Episode 8: CTO ShowdownJemma faces off against all three remaining CTO candidates as the truth about the company - and the murder - starts to unravel. 

Listen to the critically acclaimed first season of Murder in HR

8.15.23Episode 1: The Drunken SailorJemma's first day at work ends in murder.

8.22.23Episode 2: Code PurpleIn the aftermath of Larry's death, HR goes the extra nautical mile.

8.29.23Episode 3: The NDAJemma discovers the truth about Peace of Ship - and the deadly consequences for revealing it.

9.05.23Episode 4: Double-BookedJemma begins her investigation of StarBoard by going straight to the top: Gregory and Trish.

9.12.23Episode 5: The SKOJemma tries to get answers from the sales team during an HR leader's worst nightmare: the SKO.

9.19.23Episode 6: BerlinNicholas has a crisis of confidence after Jemma discovers new information about Larry's death.

9.26.23Episode 7: AB ClubAs Jemma and Nicholas seek answers, the mystery deepens.

10.03.23Episode 8: Exit InterviewBefore Jemma can make it to safe harbor, she is forced to stop at an unexpected port.

10.10.23Episode 9: BlackbeardJemma enlists Blackbeard's help.

10.17.23Episode 10: Team Building ExercisesJemma confronts her prime suspect -- and the toxic behavior of StarBoard.

10.24.23Episode 11: LifeboatStarBoard splits up to find Nicholas. Jemma decides it's time for a fresh start.

10.32.23Episode 12: All HandsWith Jemma's life on the line, StarBoard puts their differences aside to confront the Captain. Season finale.

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