Organizational Wellness

How 3 Key Industries Are Changing the Employee Experience Now

Last Updated Oct 2, 2024
Time to read: 2 minutes
Here’s a look at the influential role that three industries — finance, tech, and pharma — will play in setting employee experience trends in 2022.

The US lost 22 million jobs as a result of the pandemic. A remarkable portion of those jobs have come back, but people themselves have been slower to return. Whether we call it The Great Resignation, or The Big Quit, priorities have shifted. For employers and employees alike, it’s no secret where the priorities lie now — the employee experience. Employee experience was a top priority for 92% of surveyed HR leaders in 2021, and it’s looking like 2022 will be no different. Organizations must incorporate wellness into their employee experience, no matter where their teams check-in from. 

Here is a look at how three industries with the power to set global workplace trends have been impacted by the shift and the influential roles they’ll play in setting employee experience trends in 2022. 

  1. Finance

The way the financial sector adapts to change sets the pace for other industries. The massive industry is expected to grow from $22.5 trillion in 2021 to $28.5 trillion by 2025. When it comes to employee experience and overall wellness, the challenges faced here are all across the board.

In a recent analysis of HR trends, 67% of decision-makers say they would consider quitting their jobs in a year if stress levels don’t improve. Nearly three in four (74%) think their employers should do more to help employee wellbeing. With nearly 69% of financial services employees expected to work remotely, employers need to become more agile and inclusive in implementing their wellness solutions. 

  1. Pharma

Pharma and wellbeing make a great pairing, and the industry is currently in a strong position to demonstrate that. This is an industry shifting towards automation, requiring current many employees to upskill. Moreover, hiring of highly skilled labor grew by 30% in 2021 versus 2020. In this changing landscape where hybrid work and employee wellness are key considerations, great candidates will need great nurturing. 

  1. Tech

Back when the pandemic first started and we were all trying to figure out how exactly the show might go on, tech companies led the way with remote work. Nevertheless, 44% of IT professionals reported their mental health was affected during the pandemic, and 51% were diagnosed with a mental health condition.

A wellness solution that provides both digital and in-person programs is one way to help tech leaders solve the challenge of providing complex wellness programs to a distributed workforce.

An Opportunity to Level Up on Employee Wellness Now 

There’s no vaccine against burnout. To bring out the best in employees, HR leaders will benefit greatly by offering avenues to take care of their emotional and physical wellbeing, no matter where they clock in from. The results speak for themselves,  89% of workers at companies with wellbeing initiatives are more likely to recommend their company as a good place to work. 

In a markedly changed work environment with shifting needs, HR and leadership have a real opportunity to be trailblazers.

Company healthcare costs drop by up to 35% with Wellhub! (* Based on proprietary research comparing healthcare costs of active Wellhub users to non-users.) Talk to a Wellbeing Specialist to see how we can help reduce your healthcare spending!



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