Organizational Wellness

Redesigning Jobs: A Fresh Approach to Enhance Performance and Job Satisfaction

Last Updated Jul 19, 2024
Job redesigning involves changing people’s jobs to better meet business needs and people’s skills. Here’s when it can be advantageous — and how to make it work.

The business landscape is ever-evolving. Technology changes, market demands shift, and the way we work continually transforms. Savvy businesses don’t let change be something that happens to them — they get ahead of market changes to harness the power of change to propel them forward. 

When the way you did business worked a few years ago no longer delivers, it may be time to consider job redesign. This process helps take a more proactive, holistic approach to the way they do business.  By reconfiguring job content and tasks, along with changing the organization’s structure and processes, businesses can create roles that are tailored to better suit their current working environment. Job redesigning can improve job performance, enhance employee engagement, and bolster the development of skills for both existing and new staff.


What is Job Redesigning?

Job redesigning is a strategic process that aims to enhance employee performance and satisfaction. It involves reshaping jobs to fit better with the business needs and the employee's skills and interests, thus maximizing their output.

In a fast-evolving work environment, job redesigning can be an essential tool for companies. It helps keep roles relevant and engaging, matching business needs with employees' career aspirations. By doing this, companies can foster an adaptable, motivated workforce ready to face the ever-changing corporate landscape. It's all about finding the perfect fit — creating a puzzle where everyone finds their place.

Why Would You Want To Redesign Jobs In Your Organization?

Redesigning jobs in your organization isn't just about changing job descriptions — it's about optimizing performance and driving overall business success. Here's why you might consider this essential step:

  • Boost employee satisfaction and retention: If you run regular employee pulse surveys and see signs that people feel stifled or bored in their roles, job redesigning could breathe new life into their work.
  • Embrace new tools and technology: Software like generative AI tools are increasingly being used at work, and around two-thirds of occupations could be partially automated by AI, according to Goldman Sachs. As technology changes, your organization may want to be among the first to adopt it to get ahead of the competition. In these instances, you may need to rethink and redesign some job roles that will be most impacted by this new tech.
  • Fill existing or anticipated skills gaps: Companies predict that 44% of workers’ skills will be disrupted in the next five years, according to the World Economic Forum. You might already feel that pain or want to get ahead of that challenge by redesigning existing jobs to enable employees to develop new skills beyond their current capabilities.
  • Meet changing business needs: What your organization needed last year may not be what it needs today. For example, you may have launched new products or targeted new markets, meaning some existing roles need an overhaul. Alternatively, you may be moving into a new organizational structure, meaning some roles will have different priorities than before.
  • Promote career growth: Job redesigning provides a platform for employee development and progression. You may have identified high-potential employees who aren’t getting the opportunities to learn and grow. You can offer new or different responsibilities by redesigning their jobs, helping them take that next step in their careers.

Remember, job redesigning is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It requires understanding individual strengths and organizational needs, and aligning them for mutual benefit. It's about creating a win-win situation where the company and its employees thrive.

A 5-Step Approach to Job Redesigning

Job redesigning can seem daunting. It's people's livelihoods you're changing, after all! So here's a step-by-step process you can use to guide a strategic, deliberate approach to job redesigns.

Step 1: Identify the Need for Redesign

First, ask yourself what you want to achieve through job redesigning? Is it to increase employee satisfaction, improve productivity, or adapt to new market conditions?

Before revamping any job, it's critical to recognize why a change is necessary. You might have noticed certain tasks routinely left undone, or seen a drop in an employee's performance or engagement. Or it could just be that the business is moving in a new direction. By identifying the need, you can set clear and specific objectives for the redesign process.

Consider conducting employee surveys or holding one-on-one meetings. These can provide invaluable insights into areas needing improvement that might not be immediately obvious to someone who isn’t in that role themselves.

Step 2: Analyze the Current Job Design

Before diving into job redesigning, it’s crucial to understand where you stand. Analyze the existing job role and how it contributes to the organization’s goals. Break down each job into distinct tasks and responsibilities. Look at who's performing them and how well they're executing. Keep an eye out for any gaps or redundancies.

Talk to employees. Encourage them to share experiences and insights about their current roles. This feedback is gold — it will offer you a first-hand account of what's working and what's not.

Also, review the job descriptions and performance metrics. This, plus the employee feedback, gives you a comprehensive view of the existing job structure and helps identify gaps and opportunities for improvement.

Step 3: Redesign the Job

This is the step where you start sketching the new job design. Think about how you can combine tasks, rotate roles, or enrich jobs to achieve the objectives you've set. Look to incorporate both the organizational needs and employees' skills. 

Redesigning a job so it capitalizes on employees' strengths can help your organization grow while giving that employee the career advancement they desire. For example, if a graphic designer shows interest in digital marketing, the redesign process can be a great opportunity to add related tasks to their job description.  They have a chance to learn and your company gains a multi-skilled employee.

Step 4: Implement and Communicate the Changes

Implementation can be challenging, but clear communication makes it easier. Transparency is key. Explain the rationale behind the changes, how they align with organizational goals, and what it means for the employees. 

Also, provide the necessary training and resources for employees to adapt to their new roles. It's vital to provide support to employees during this transition. Offer training, resources, and a listening ear to ensure that the implementation phase is as smooth as possible.

Step 5: Evaluate the Results and Adjust if Necessary

Finally, take a step back and evaluate the results. Did the job redesign meet your objectives? Were there unforeseen challenges or benefits? The evaluation phase allows you to identify successes and areas for further improvement.

Depending on the goals you set, you might be looking out for an increase in productivity or employee satisfaction, or you might notice the business is better able to serve customers in its new market.

Feedback from employees — positive and constructive — is crucial at this stage. Don’t be afraid to make adjustments based on their responses. Their experience and insights can guide future redesigning efforts, ensuring a process of continuous learning and growth. Your willingness to learn and adapt is what will keep your organization and employees flourishing in the long run.

Job Redesigning is Just One Part of Your Employee Satisfaction Puzzle

Job redesigning is a valuable way to ensure job roles align with your business needs, and can help you attract and retain talent by boosting employee engagement and satisfaction. But as you go through this process, remember the job itself is just one part of the equation. Today's workers also want an employer that contributes to their overall wellbeing. Our research found that 93% of employees feel their wellbeing is just as important as their salary

Wellness programs can help your company meet this demand, giving you another way to keep employees happy in a world where 87% of workers would consider leaving businesses that don’t focus on employee wellbeing. They show employees your company is dedicated to their wellbeing, no matter what their role.

If you want to learn more about how to foster an environment of employee wellness and success, talk to a Wellbeing Specialist today. 

Company healthcare costs drop by up to 35% with Wellhub! (* Based on proprietary research comparing healthcare costs of active Wellhub users to non-users.) Talk to a Wellbeing Specialist to see how we can help reduce your healthcare spending!



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